Peter Burling awards America's Cup e-Series winner

It was a crazy experience. The Grand Final was exciting all the way to the last race,” commented Liam, expressing his enthusiasm for the event and the chance to sail an AC40. Dimock was awarded the prize directly by Emirates Team New Zealand champion and skipper Peter Burling, which added a special prestige to the awards ceremony. New Zealand achieved an extraordinary double victory in this first major virtual America's Cup event, with Liam Dimock in first place and compatriot Robbie Wooldridge (aka Booshify, 19) claiming a close second.
Their journey, however, does not stop here: the two young New Zealanders will take part in the “Gamer to Sailor” experience, an intensive training session both on the simulator and in the water, culminating in a race on an AC40 against a UniCredit Youth America's Cup team.
The America's Cup e-Series has demonstrated the appeal of virtual sailing, attracting new fans from across the world and offering a unique connection between the digital and real worlds.
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